Sunday, September 7, 2008

Whine, Whine, Whine, .... you did not get your way.

Why do we whine when we do not get our way? Why are we always crying all the time?

I just saw on the news today that the republican women are protesting The Oprah Winfrey Show, because she would not allow Gov. Palin on her show. Now, we all know that Oprah supports Sen. Obama. Why would she have Gov. Palin on her show????

In my opinion, they should not have even posed the question to Oprah. Surely, they knew that she supports a democrat. That was very stupid on their part. Oprah said that she is not using her show for a platform for any political candidate. In other words that is not what her show is all about.

So, now they are all whining, and organizing a boycott against The Oprah Winfrey Show for not allowing Gov. Palin on her show. Can you say 1-800 -W-H-I-N-E, whine, whine.

I am appealing to all who are reading continue watch the Oprah Winfrey Show. Do not stop watching the show just because some republican women are upset and whining about their stupid mistake.

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